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Changing Employment System of College Graduates
Abstract: During the transition from planned to market economy, College graduates’ employment system has experienced changes from planned disposition by the government to bilateral selection between the employer and the graduates. This change propelled the reform of Chinese educational system greatly. Therefore, it is necessary to discuss and research the development of College Graduates’ Employment System during our analysis of the graduates’ employment status and future conditions.
As the crucial factor effecting the employment of college graduates, the change of employment system has its own characteristics, and is impacted by other institutional factors at the same time. Historical analysis of the employment system’s change and analysis of institutional factors that have impact on the system will be the main focus of the paper. Based on the analysis, the basic conditions of college graduates’ employment system and its institutional management system are described.  In this paper, institutional factors and non-institutional factors, which are not found in previous research, or have been found but only being discussed separately is arranged systematically.
Key Words: Employment System; Reform Planned Economy; Market Economy; Planned Disposition of College Graduates; Bilateral Selection
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